Culture & Transformation |

Global BFSI Organization Offering Niche Services
Solution Owner: CHRO
Problem Solver: Head of Performance and Rewards
Solution Implementer: Head of Performance and Rewards
Duration: 12 Months
(BFSI: Banking, Financial Services and Insurance)
Problem Space
The organisation was upgrading HR technologies as a way to enable new and enhanced HR processes and solutions as experienced by all employees. A key component of the upgrade was to ensure adoption and realise the value as a result of successfully impacting the behaviour of all users. One focus for the desired shift in behaviour was in the performance management practices. The shift required focused on three distinct areas, from the traditional annual cycle to a continuous goal management approach, from relative measures of goal achievement to absolute measures, and from the silo-ed view of goal achievement to a collaboration-based view with greater goal alignment across the hierarchy enabled by effective cascading of goals.
Solution Space
Create models of the desired behaviours (decisions and actions) based on real and actual current practices in the areas of goal setting and management, goals cascading from CEO to C-1, C-1 to C-2 etc, and measuring goal achievement. Ensure the models align to configurable features of the chosen technology platform to aid ease of adoption and usage in line with expectations (in this case it was SAP SuccessFactors). Developing performance support (learning) resources to aid the shift in decisions and actions first, and then the use of the system to support those decisions and actions.
The Approach
Capability Augmentation
Strategizing: reviewed the past goals across all departments in the organisation from CEO (organisation view) to C-1. Reviewed the current processes and practices for setting and agreeing on goals at all levels.
Creating: Created the model of the revised goal statements in line with requirements for cascading and absolute measurements of achievement and aligned to the fields to be configured in the system. Created models of how the rest of the process will look, continuous management of goal plans, the required shift in the end-of-year review process, etc. Created briefing documents and digital performance support resources to aid the change management process.
Engaging: Co-created the models working with the C-Suite and their delegates, conducted briefing sessions with the C-Suite and their teams and with the HRBPs managing the relationships with the teams.
Capacity Augmentation
Engaging: creating communication assets and delivering sessions to educate and influence stakeholders and the rest of the HR Team (co-solution implementers) to play their part in enabling solution success
Supervising: outlining project workstreams and milestones, based on solution construct to aid project planning and management. Reviewing the submissions/deliverables from the Senior Executives and their delegates, the HR teams (BP, HR Technology) to check for and ensure alignment and suitability.
Executing: developed the models as working prototypes of goal plans, continuous management of the goals across the year, the shift in focus for the end-of-year review process, etc. Created digital and reimagined workshop experiences to aid both stakeholder understanding and build internal capabilities.
Solution Value
Delivered Efficiently: The PM/GM (performance management/Goal Management) system was launched with good adoption
Quality: The shift in approach was managed outside of the experience of the technology which allowed for the behavioural elements to be addressed without confusing them with technology-specific elements.
Impact: On-going assessment of value realisation but adoption was good and transition to new approach was successful.
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